Widget image beside Post a Comment title

Step 1: Go to Blogger’s Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML tab and backup your template in case anything goes wrong.
Step 2: Check “Expand widget template”.
Step 3: Press “Ctrl+F” to open the search bar within your browser and find:
Step 4: Copy This Code
 &lt;img src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi03ifU_z9kDmpLu32PzjzAD2zIfNpGRa-etSsfy0vsMyHEbNSau7Oa7AsXVMVwFUC384vByaxhdfX7e64vSGkDxoCLn1Z6156_EhkZNi4je-11d_OBqJHk9Q8ryErWXvgDuRfJgjyOw4o/s1600/post.jpg'/&gt;
and paste before <data:postCommentMsg/>
Step  5: Red link you can make own picture if you like.
Step  6: Save your template.

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